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4.1 Due to the customer complaints caused by the company's product quality problems, the after-sales service management personnel fill out the “Customer Opinion Processing Form” and follow the company's established after-sales service execution procedures. The after-sales service manager should prepare the customer complaint number and register it in the “Customer Complaint Registration Tracking Form”, and ultimately be responsible for implementing the final processing results and feedback to the relevant leaders and departments.

4.2 Customer complaints caused by non-quality reasons, the business department of the customer's product cooperates with the after-sales service personnel to analyze and explain the damage caused by human factors, make up for and repair the damaged parts, and provide operation guidance and training for the customer's operators. According to the process, we should treat and deal with the same quality problems. The expenses incurred by the business department are discussed and recovered by the customer.

4.3 In the process of processing after-sales service, the production department and technical department of the manufacturing department are responsible for analyzing the cause of the problem and formulating the countermeasures, and then negotiating with the sales department to deal with the problem. The special abnormal problem should be analyzed with the technical department to determine the treatment plan. The quality inspection department is responsible for tracing the cause of the problem and determining the responsibility of the department and individual to make a decision. The company's finance department is responsible for reviewing the expenses incurred in the after-sales service and implementing the amortization department.

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